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The Book Shelf is, for all intents and purposes, a book review blog, but it is not limited to that. You will find flash reviews (300 words or less), indepth reviews, book analysises, and discussions of all things book related.


The Book Shelf aims to be an inclusive space and encourages reader interaction--reading is a solitary act that creates a comminity.





The Book Shelf was created by Ashleigh Stonehewer, a graduate from The University of Queensland. Originally from England, Ashleigh moved to Brisbane, Australia in 2011, which has opened her book shelf up to a wonderful aray of Australian literature.


The Book Shelf was born from her desire to combine two of her biggest passions, reading and writing, and she hopes that she will be able to share the books she loves with other people, as well as share her thoughts and passion about literature in relation to culture and society, and the interplay between literature and genre fiction.


Ashleigh wants to share her book shelf with you, but she also wants you to share yours. Literature is an inclusive world; it is supposed to create different interpretations and generate discussions. The Book Shelf is supposed to share the samee qualities, so Ashleigh invites you to comment, discuss, send suggestions, and just get involved!


Twitter: @AshLouiseSt


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