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Best Mothers in Literature

In honour of Mother’s Day here is a list of five of my favourite mothers in literature.

Do you agree? Who would make your list?

Mrs Bennet

Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen

Mrs Bennet is often viewed as the comic relief of the novel, and she is in the way that someone else’s mother is always funny (mainly because she isn’t yours). While she may be narrow-minded and pushy, there is no disputing that she has her daughters’ best interests and futures in mind.

Quote: “‘My dear Mr. Bennet,’" replied his wife, ‘how can you be so tiresome! You must know that I am thinking of his marrying one of them.’"

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Mrs Weasley

Harry Potter Series, J. K. Rowling

Mrs Weasley is the undisputed mother figure of the Harry Potter series, providing love and care to not only her own seven children but anyone that enters her home. She proves that love, not money, is the key to a happy family life. But more than that, Mrs Weasley shows in the final book that she is also extremely badass—she isn’t afraid to stand and fight, especially when her children are in danger.


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Catelyn Stark

A Game of Thrones, George R. R. Martin

She is not always openhearted, and she shows an obvious disdain towards her husband’s illegitimate son; however, it is hard not to respect the way that she fights for her children. She is a devoted wife, loving mother, and sometimes a fierce war leader.

Quote: “Catelyn wanted to run to him, to kiss his sweet brow, to wrap him in her arms so tightly that he would never come to harm....”

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Mrs Lancaster

A fault in Our Stars, John Green

Hazel’s mother proves to be one very brave woman because despite going through one of the worst things a parent could, she continues to put on a brave face and give her daughter everything she can. She might not be able to cure her daughter of her illness but she is determined to make her remaining time as happy as possible, even if that means putting her own life on hold.

Quote: “There is only one thing in this world shittier than biting it from cancer when you're sixteen, and that's having a kid who bites it from cancer.”

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Miss Honey

Matilda, Roald Dahl

Some say that children have great instincts, which is definitely true when it comes to Miss Honey and her students, all of whom love her. Miss Honey is definitely a mother figure worthy of a spot on any list similar to this because, despite not having her own children, she is a shining example of how to love and care for children. The relationship she builds with Matilda directly contrasts the relationship Matilda has with her biological family, and everyone is happy when Miss Honey adopts Matilda in the end.

Quote: “Miss Jennifer Honey was a mild and quiet person who never raised her voice and was seldom seen to smile, but there is no doubt she possessed that rare gift for being adored by every small child under her care.”

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